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Document Management

Saving ours and the client’s time as well as protecting nature (being green), Klevas Consulting is trying to provide as many services as possible by using technology. Agreements with officials and other institutions, allows us to provide services by using scanned copies instead of paper documents.

Klevas Consulting follows the client’s data protection regulations:

  • Documents, received by post are scanned and scanned copies are saved on the each client’s personal e-file.
  • All forms, found on the website are user friendly and were created to meet data protection regulations.  
  • If some services require original documentation, the client is informed about it personally.
  • Original documents such as passports, ID cards, birth, marriage, death and/or other certificates are returned to the client by post or personally.
  • Original documents as P60, P45 forms, letters or notices from the HMRC are returned to the client, if required. If the client doesn’t require these documents – the documents are shredded, but scanned copies are held on the client’s e- file.
  • All clients’ data is stored confidentially.