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About cookies

What are cookies

Most browsers are configured to accept cookies automatically. One can disable cookies in a browser, however, that may result in a loss of functions necessary to ensure proper website presentation, for instance, the possibility to show what is added into the cart when shopping. For more information about cookies, please visit, where you can find instructions on how make the necessary changes in different browsers. In order to disable cookies in a smart device, one should read its user manual, since the procedure may differ depending on the model, the operating system and the browser being used.

Types of cookies

Necessary cookies: those cookies are necessary in order to access the website and use its functions, i.e. set a secure connection, buy products, add them to the cart, etc.

Operation improving cookies: these types of cookies are used for collecting information about visitors, i.e. to analyse which websites are visited most frequently, whether the visitors are given error messages, etc. These cookies do not collect information, on the basis of which the visitor can be recognized. The collected information is of a general character, it is anonymous and is used for the website’s optimization.

Functional cookies: these cookies provide the possibility to memorize the user’s information (i.e. the country, the browser’s language, etc.), which is later used for personalizing the functions and provision of customized information, relevant to the specific user. Functional cookies cannot monitor the user’s browsing of other websites. Additionally, the information, provided by these types of cookies, may be set as anonymous.

Personalized cookies / advertising cookies: these types of cookies are used for the personalization of presented advertisements with the aim of serving the user’s interests. By using personalized cookies, one can control the number of advertisements and limit them, and to also analyse the efficiency of advertising campaigns (for instance, the ratio of clicks and displays).